Being a Church School

We are proud to be a Church of England School and believe this is what makes our school distinctive.

Jesus is at the very heart of all that we do and both children and adults follow in his footsteps to live out the Christian values of love,  respect,  kindness, community, faith and resilience. We welcome families, whatever their beliefs or faith, as part of our school family.

We have very strong links with St Laurence Church and Reverend Elaine Atack is a familiar face at school.  We welcome members of the parish who volunteer in school and we regularly visit church as part of worship and our RE lessons.  We celebrate all Christian festivals throughout the year as well as regular Eucharist services in school and church.  Each year, children from Y4 are invited to be admitted to Holy Communion at St Laurence Church, if they wish.

Within our RE lessons we learn about the Christian faith as well as Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam. We develop the children’s respect and tolerance of other cultures and religions through the many opportunities for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The children enjoy learning about many other world faiths during our Harmony Week with the West Cheshire Interfaith Forum.

In addition to our links with St Laurence Church we also have international links through Chester Diocese with our partner school in the Solomon Islands: St Francis Vaturanga School. 

Our school was judged outstanding in our last SIAMS inspection. One recognised strength was:  Behaviour is of the highest standard because Christian values are deeply embedded and followed by all pupils.  They have a significant impact on achievement in that all children are striving to do their best.  Christian values contribute to an atmosphere for learning in which the potential of everyone is fostered.’  October 2017

If you choose to attend our church school, the Christian ethos permeates all that we do. We hope all members of our school community will join in with our special collective worship and learning about Religious Education, however parents do have the right to withdraw their child if they wish. Please come and discuss this with the head teacher.


Frodsham CE Primary School

School Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 6AF