Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Edge
Mrs Richards
Welcome to Year 2!
We are very lucky in Year 2 to be supported by Mrs Richards who works with us in class every morning and runs interventions some afternoons. On Friday afternoons, Mrs Williams will lead our learning in PE.
Reading is a vital skill for progressing your child’s learning. We change our books each week so please ensure your child has their books and diaries in school every day as guided and individual reading sessions occur throughout the week. A reminder that the expectation is for every child to read at least 3 times to an adult at home each week. Stickers for our whole school 'Read Around the World' challenge will be given out weekly based on the number of home reads each child has done.
If your child reads their chosen books before we come to change them, please encourage them to re-read these for further understanding and increased fluency or alternatively select books from Frodsham Library to extend their reading across different genres. It is more important that the children fully comprehend what they are reading as well as being able to make inferences from the text rather than race through the coloured levels. However most important of all is that they are enjoying their reading and successfully accessing a wide range of material.
English and maths homework will continue to be given out weekly on a Friday and is due in on the following Wednesday. Please can I ask that the children regularly log into their TTRockstars account, even when this is not explicitly set as homework, to ensure they are progressing towards their next times table challenge.
PE takes place on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure your child has a full PE kit in school. PE kit should include appropriate footwear (pumps for indoor activities and trainers for outdoor activities), a jumper (weather dependent) and, for girls, spare socks if they tend to wear tights. Long hair should always be tied back but this is especially important for PE and earrings must be removed. If your child cannot do this independently, please ensure this is done before school.
Water bottles
Children learn best when they are well hydrated, so please could you ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day. They will have opportunities to refill these at the water fountain throughout the day.
It is always a pleasure to hear what the children are up to at home and especially what they are achieving and are proud of through any out of school activities. Please encourage the children to share these events with us by bringing in their certificates and medals or creations for our weekly Show and Tell sessions. We will photograph these to put on our class wall and then send them back home with the children.
As ever, I am always happy to discuss any worries, concerns or general queries you may have. Due to the time constraints, we ask that only vital messages are passed on at the start and end of the day. You can always contact me via email or by telephoning the school office and we can arrange a mutually convenient time for a chat to discuss any other issues.
Here’s to a happy and productive first term in Year 2!
Best wishes, Mrs Edge.