Frequently Asked Questions
The information below should answer any questions you have regarding your child attending this school. Please feel free to contact the school if you need any further information and we will do our best to help you.
- When does school start and finish?
- 8.35am - Gates are opened and children may wait on the top playground. If it is raining, the children are allowed to enter school and go into class where they are supervised by the class teacher. Due to the lack of space and number of people, children are not to run around, use scooters or play ball games at this time or climb on the wall or benches. A member of staff is on each gate and can pass on messages.
- 8.45am - The school day starts and all children have entered school and the gates and doors are closed.
- 3.15pm School Ends – Teachers accompany their class to the exit onto the playground where parents can collect their child / children.
Teachers (Year R-4) must ensure that every child is collected by an adult. Children are only allowed to go with other adults, if the teacher or school office has been informed. Children who are not collected should be asked to wait by the school office under the supervision of their class teacher. Children in Y5 and 6 may walk home independently from school but only if school has received written parental consent.
Children who leave school during the day e.g. dental appointment must be collected by a parent, adult or other authorised person. Parents must come to the main office to collect children who are leaving school during school hours. Evidence of appointments is requested and the child must be signed out in the book in the school office.
- We’re late for school
At 8.45 the doors are locked so if your child arrives after this, they will need to enter the school via the school office so that we can mark them in on the register. We have good punctuality and work with families and the Education Welfare Officer to improve this.
- Where do I wait at the end of the day?
Gates open at 3.05pm and parents and grandparents can come and wait on the playground. At the end of the school day children will be dismissed onto the playground by their class teacher or teaching assistant. They will not be allowed to leave until they can see you. It helps if you wait in the same place each day then they, and we, know where to look. If someone different is picking your child up, do let us know at the beginning of the school day. If plans change during the day email or ring the school office and leave a message. We do not let children go with another adult, if we have not been notified by the child's parent.
- I'm going to be late picking my child up
Please let the School Office know and we will keep your child in school until you arrive. We will not let them go with another adult unless we have spoken to you. If you’re going to be very late we would normally ask you to book your child into Kids Activity World (please ensure you are registered).
- What does my child need to bring to school each day?
Your child will have a red book bag if they are in Reception, Y1 or Y2. In it should be their reading book and reading diary. All children are asked to bring a water bottle into school. It must contain water only. KS2 also need a bag with their reading book, diary and water bottle. You may send your child with a healthy morning snack - fresh or dried fruit, raw vegetables only (the kitchen also sells snacks). All homework is sent home on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Each class has a set PE day but children are encoruaged to keep their PE kit in school for the half term.
- We’ve lost something at school
The best way to ensure your child’s property is returned to them is to label it clearly in an obvious place in a pen that won't wash off. If something is lost,it may be in the classroom or in the Lost Property Box in the hall. If it isn’t there, please let your child’s class teacher know and we’ll keep our eyes open. Anything of value will be stored in the school office.
- I’m worried about my child / we’d like to speak to someone
If you have any concerns, please do let us know. In the first instance, please speak to your child’s teacher or one of the teaching assistants who work with the class. The best time to catch the teacher is at the end of the school day but in an emergency you can pass a quick message at the beginning of the school day. You can contact your child's class teacher by email via the School Office ( If you feel the issue is not resolved, please speak to the Headteacher.
- My child is ill
Telephone school before 8.45am to leave a message. If we don’t hear from you by 9am, we will follow our safeguarding procedures and ring to check where your child is.
- My child needs to take medicine during the school day
Usually if your child is ill enough to need medicine, they aren’t ready to be back at school. Sometimes however they are much better but need to finish a course of treatment. Medication will only be administered in school, if it has been prescribed by a doctor to be taken four times a day. A Medical Form must be completed beforehand.
- Does my child need to bring money into school?
No money should need to be brought into school. Parents need to register with ParentPay which is used to pay for snacks, dinner and any school trips. Parents will be notified by text if there is a special event where children are required to bring money e.g. cake sale, donations for charity.
- I’d like to help in school
If you’ve got time to help on a regular or part-time basis, you would be very welcome, please do let us know and we’ll talk with you about the sort of help you’d like to offer. Currently parents help in school by listening to children read, accompanying classes on trips, helping out with art and design technology activities, teaching after school clubs. If you wish to support children in lessons on a regular basis, we ask that this is not in your own child's class.
- We’d like to take our child out of school during term time for a holiday
Holidays during term time will not be authorised.