
E-Safety at Frodsham CE Primary School

Helping children stay safe online

Why E-Safety is important

The internet is a fantastic resource for learning, fun, and creativity. However, it’s also essential that children understand how to stay safe online, just like in the real world. At Frodsham CE Primary School, E-Safety is a top priority. We ensure that all pupils know how to behave responsibly and safely online.
Keeping children safe online is a whole-school responsibility, and it forms an important part of our Computing and PSHE curriculum.

E-Safety in our curriculum

Our students learn about E-Safety regularly through Computing and PSHE lessons.

Key lessons include:

  • Keeping personal information private
  • Safe searching and responsible use of the internet
  • Recognising cyberbullying and knowing how to report it
  • Gaming safely and managing screen time
  • Being kind online and understanding digital footprints

Guest visitors and talks

We work with PC Neil and other local professionals who visit school to talk to children about staying safe online. These talks make real-life connections to online risks and help children build practical strategies to stay safe.

Expectations on E-Safety

We are committed to meeting the highest safeguarding standards; our E-Safety efforts align with Ofsted’s framework by:

  • Embedding E-Safety in the curriculum (Computing, PSHE, assemblies and other opportunities)
  • Providing staff training on safeguarding and digital safety
  • Sharing information with parents to promote online safety at home
  • Ensuring pupils know how to report online risks and encouraging them to speak to trusted adults
  • Organising E-Safety workshops for parents to help them navigate online challenges with their children

Advice for parents

Here are some helpful tips to ensure children stay safe at home:

  • Talk regularly about what they’re doing online. Ask them about their favourite websites and games.
  • Set clear boundaries on screen time and discuss which sites and apps are appropriate for their age.
  • Use parental controls on home devices and your internet router.
  • Know their friends online. Make sure they only interact with people they know in real life.
  • Teach them to report anything that makes them feel uncomfortable online.

Useful links and resources

Below are some trusted websites and tools to support E-Safety at home:

Fun E-Safety games for children

Encourage your child to play these engaging games that teach E-Safety in a fun way:

  • Interland – Help characters navigate tricky online situations
  • BBC Own It – Advice and mini-games on online kindness
  • ThinkUKnow Games – Explore different interactive games for primary pupils

What to do if you have a concern

If you or your child encounter a worrying situation online, remember:

  • Talk to a teacher or trusted adult at school.
  • Contact police if an emergency or e-mail neil.flanagan@cheshire.police.uk if non-urgent.
  • Call 101 or use the reporting tools on websites like Childline or CEOP.

E-Safety Policies and Safeguarding

We regularly review our E-Safety and Safeguarding policies and practices to reflect the latest developments in technology. Should you wish to, these are available to read here.

Have fun and stay safe online!

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Frodsham CE Primary School

School Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 6AF